Marine & Bus Toilet – Macerator – Silence Plus 2G.
Features. of Marine & Bus Toilet – Macerator – Silence Plus 2G
- It is a European ceramic toilet.
With the seat cover, and integrated macerator pump for pumping waste out in a waste tank or an outlet pipe of the waste line. - We are providing the toilet in three parts.
- A toilet bowl with an inbuilt macerator.
Control Panel for the user interface.
A freshwater inlet device. - This toilet can throw waste up to great height vertically OR a horizontal long distance .
- It has a sleek control panel.
- A big bowl, big size seat which is as comfortable as in-home toilets.
- New Improved 2nd Generation System with Elegant design and ultra-low noise- silent flush.
- Highly efficient.
- Low consumption of power.
you may require a water pump if the pressure of the inlet water supply is not sufficient. (We can supply it on request)
Connections and supply:
You require to give a fresh water connection to this toilet from a separate freshwater tank.
Our standard quotation is not including freshwater and wastewater tanks.
Depending on where the toilet is to be fitted. The tanks can be fabricated as needed.
Working System:
- The system is based on the combined action of a macerator and release system for clean water inlet..
Alternate use of this toilet
Caravan toilet: Travellers demand to fix this toilet in their caravan.
Motorhome toilet: Most desired toilet for motorhomes.
House on wheels: Feels like home toilet.